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Want to buy - Nakamichi ZX-7

Begonnen von ivicajurcevic, Freitag, 07.Juni.2019 | 23:11:19 Uhr

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.



I would like to buy deck Nakamichi ZX-7, in very good to excellent condition.

I am from Croatia, so seller should be from EU.

Best Regards


Ask here http://www.schallter.at/ This is a shop in Vienna, Westbahnstr., I am not sure but the shopkeeper could be from Croatia.
I was there yesterday and he had one ZX-7 in his window but there was no price on display. This could be because it is very expensive, it is defective and not for sale or that you are asked to bargain for it. In my experience it is worth to ask